The Gift of Feeling

by Loren Boyd


The practice of yoga offers us many portable gifts, one of them being the gift of feeling again… feeling everything!

It’s so much easier to distract ourselves from feeling the sticky stuff… to numb or check out… but that just keeps us treading water. And sometimes we need to live in that mode, it’s okay… that’s our humanness… but the deeper we get into this practice, the more we undo the need to check out…

The thing is, we can’t selectively numb, as Brené Brown says… meaning that when we push away the tough feelings like sadness or despair, we also cancel our ability to feel the deep joy and happiness that we so crave.

The more comfortable we get with the present moment… the more the magic starts to happen. Our relationships improve… mainly the one with our Self… consequently changing all the other important ones outside of it.

This practice gives us a chance to feel again… and through that feeling, sort through the icky shit that weighs us down and keeps us from sharing our light with the world.

As we learn to feel and navigate our emotions with love, we learn to truly live, because we discover how precious every moment is… each new breath a chance to start again. We learn that discomfort is the most fertile ground for growth, and choosing this space forces us into our truth and authenticity, where we really want to be. We learn that we can do hard things, and in turn we open the door to let in deep joy and happiness when they flow in.

If you’re going through some heavy stuff… just remember that it will not last forever. Love yourself through the storm, let yourself feel it all, and reach your hand out for support when you need it. Know that what’s on the other side is everything you could ever want and more… because when you expand, so does your life.

As I reflect on this last year and becoming a yoga studio owner, I have felt more deep emotions than ever, and no method has worked better for me than just letting myself feel the damn feelings! They always pass!

The joy, the sorrow, the fear, the excitement, the doubt, the success, the vulnerability, the failure… all of it has played a vital role in giving me the chance to fully spread my wings and fly…

Being willing to face the unknown is a tremendous act of courage alone and you do it every single day when you wake up and choose to start your day… never forget how powerful you are.

Thank you for being here and being a part of this community. Your support on this journey means more to me than you’ll ever know. Cheers to one year! Join us Saturday, August 28th at The Studio from 5-7pm for our anniversary party! Food, drinks, music, shopping and fun! Bring friends and family! Let’s celebrate!